


To be updated...

Dear readers

& all those who was following us on Facebook & via MireoFleet GPS tracking. Ride report is in the works and when finished will be put here in croatian (use Google translate for english).

Until then, you can check the photos and comment here

Thanks everyone for support, sponsors, family & friends!

Viva Las Vegas!


Almost gone...

It's time to pack our stuff & say bye, bye...

Today we ride, away from the sunset, to the East, to Persia. GPS tracking should be working today, so you can look for us on user: MotoPersia pass: MotoPersia

Unbelivable busy was last week, and last few days just impossible. We're still going on our day jobs, and after that was packing, searching final details for sponsors, stickers, shirts, looking for tents, GPS navigation, GPS tracking, servicing bikes, shopping for tires, family issues... and if we made it, lunch and sleep. Josip & myself are walking zombies, we just aren't eating anything :D

I've gotta go now, have last lunch with my family & hop on the bike and to Belgrade.

Last pic, from yesterdays evening at the sticker makers. Pic with full setup, you'll see from the road ;)

Take care ya all!


Upgrades & mods


Little time left to lift off! Last week was just crazy, no time to eat, no time to sleep, just having fun jumping from garage to mechanics, upgrading, repairing, servicing...

Both of us did our regular and irregular maintanance on the bikes, me at dr. Brum's office and Josip at our sponsor Avtoval BMW in Slovenia. But, as it goes when you don't have much time, other half of servicing the bikes will be done this week because they didn't have all the parts. Yipee, changing chain and sprocets on my bike and gaskets on Josip's machine will be done few days before the start. It's ok, when adrenaline is pumping :)
But, what we planned to do ourselves is all installed and ready on bikes.

New horn, for quick penetration into traffic jams, larger peg for parking in the sand, exhaust protection, mounting tires on sport bikes... let's see what we've done.


Test ride

Huuh, so busy...

These preparations are starting to speed up, and there's little more time left to start of MotoPersia. But blog we must and test we must too, so this is what we've been up to last weekend.
Josip's side cases are finaly mounted and packed with most of his gear, just to see how they will hold up and even more improve BMW's sporty look. We decided to make a faux camping trip to river Mrežnica, near Duga Resa. about 80 kms from Zagreb, just enought to find a grassy knoll.

I made lunch and Josip cleaned up the dishes. Team chemistry is working well, as long as Josip keeps washing dishes :D

Much is happening the next week, but you'll be posted here and our Facebook



Weekend ride

this weekend was quite eventful and filled with good rides. I'm still testing the new Held gear in every condition so I decided to visit the sea and my V-Strom forum buddy JZ who lent me his uncatalytic exhaust for the trip.

This time I was with my copilot/girlfriend Monika, who was filming the most interesting parts of the ride. But as it always goes with girls, her overpreparing and applying makeup made our start late about 1 hour :D
So, to make a long trip to coastal city Rijeka where we were headed, short, we took the highway.
After about 100 kms, the tire blew at 130 km/h! No tire spray could save it as the hole was gigantic. I took out my orange hazard vest and headed slowly to the nearest tire shop (in a small village 20 kms from the puncture site). The guy was a biker and quickly we were rolling once more to the city of Rijeka. Ariving and being late for 2,5 hours, hehe.
The rest of the ride was just great, with the Rijeka V-Strom crew. To cut my blabber short, I present you this wonderful film made entirely by Monika:

Oh yes, Held Carese&Torno pants and jacket performed great. I just noticed that it's not really an 4 season combination as expected, because there is no thermal liner. Below 15°C I'd have to wear a long sleeve shirt or a windstopper. But I guess in Iran I won't have problems like that :D Can't wait to try it out at +35°C

This week on schedule:
mounting Josips sidecases.

'till soon, take care & ride safe!

p.s. I crashed my helmet, the vent openings are broken and GPS device is broken too. Not to mention the flat tire. Quite much for 2 days of weekend in peaceful and quiet Croatia.


Held gear - preview

p.s. if the video doesn't work, please watch directly on Youtube. You'll thank me later.

Hello ya all!
This time it's me, your favourite fashion adventure biker :D
As you can see, our Held gear has arrived! WooHoo! It's real and it's spectacular.

Josip was offline for the weekend, doing preemptive strike on his wisdom teeth. Better safe than sorry, if it starts hurting on the trip. Maybe he should have taken out the appendix too @:)
see how wise I am? I've still got my wisdom teeth. Brushing teeth every day finaly paid off! Being wise.. who would know!?

Anyway, last weekend I was in Moto oprema AMD, with mr. Damir and his boss/wife Ana Marija, who are with us from the beginning and belive we can make the trip alive. And keep the gear alive too.
I hardly slept the night before, knowing what was waiting for me.. but little did I know how I'll feel. First time I saw the jacket, I saw love.. the first time I put it on, I felt love. And after 1000kms of wearing it, it's still the one I love.

But seriously, Carese&Torno combination are just great! It feels like quality and is exactly what doctor prescribed for Iran and hot weather. I'll make a detailed report on the Held gear after the trip.

As for Josips' combination Imola&Arese, it's quite different. Not in quality (which is superb, not telling just because Held is our sponsor), but in application. Black sport jacket (luckly with lot's of air vents) and black trousers. Haha, like The Ghost rider. After he tries it out, you'll be posted on his impressions.

38 days to lift off! Stay tuned as things heat up... literary.. tomorrow's forecast for Yazd is 38°C And it's middle of April. Brrrr....